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    To learn more about our products please contact your Regional Sales Manager

    Chris McGregor (UK - East, EIRE)

    Chris has been in the Fire & Security industry for 18 years and worked for some major installation companies early in his career before moving to a distribution company selling PA/VA products. He started with Sterling Safety Systems over 11 years ago when the company first started and has been an integral member of the Sales Team ever since. Chris has extensive knowledge of the Hyfire range and is extremely experienced in the field of wireless alarm solutions.

    Clive Skidmore (UK - South West & Wales)

    Clive has over 25 years’ direct fire and security industry experience, beginning as a time served electrician installing fire detection & alarm systems. From there he progressed to engineering and commissioning, then further into project management working to LPS1014 and BAFE SP203.
    For the past 12 years Clive has worked as an account manager within the fire detection industry where he strived to exceed customer expectations. He is now part of the Hyfire team and continues to strive to offer a strong level of customer service.

    Robert Bruce (Scotland & Northern Ireland)

    Having worked in the fire industry for over 30 years, Robert has covered all aspects from Engineering and Sales through to Management. Having worked for top brand manufacturers and integrators he brings with him a plethora of contacts and industry knowledge. He has always been recognised for his personable approach to business and prides himself on his customer service. Robert’s goal is to keep driving Hyfire towards its growth and be recognised as the go to person for Wireless Fire Systems.

    ollie murray

    Ollie Murray (UK - South East)

    Ollie has over 7 years’ experience with fire systems. Drawing on this background, Ollie will provide our existing and new customers the best level of support to assist their businesses with developing new opportunities offered by the comprehensive range of Hyfire equipment. Ollie's strength is in developing strategic long term relationships with customers to deliver real value. He is now part of the Hyfire team and is looking to develop and support a strong Hyfire Partner base throughout South East.

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